Ejercicio                        30%

Corrección postural

Hábitos incorporables a la vida

Protocolos de elongación de telómeros

Aprendizaje de movimiento completo no lesivo

Flexibilidad, fortalecimiento, agilidad.

Alimentación                 25%

Suplementos                 25%

Manejo del estrés          20%

Otros temas importantes:

  • Cuestiones emocionales de fondo cuando las haya

  • Refinamientos en la alimentación

    Acciones puntuales


Background and generalities

In 2023, the mechanism to reverse aging in living organisms was discovered. Although it has not yet been used in humans, it is expected to be available to the public in about 5 years. Dr. David Sinclair, a leading expert in the field, accidentally discovered the key youth proteins in 2018, leading to a revolutionary procedure for rejuvenation. Research laboratories around the world are actively working on this advance. Sinclair, who has been rejuvenated for more than 20 years, attributes his vitality to the Biological Rejuvenation program, a method different from unapproved, short-lived magic solutions.


Regarding biological rejuvenation, the first thing we have to know is that it is true. It is not a story that someone has invented to sell something or to be on the front page of the press. The protocol and the possibility of reversing age already exist, and there are already people who have been rejuvenating for more than two decades, that is, they have become two decades younger, both on the outside and on the inside.

The point is that, regardless of the supplements that can be taken, there are a series of elements that are essential. These are:

  • Exercise, as number 1, but not just any exercise, but one that meets, on the one hand, the requirements to work on age regression and, on the other, that does not produce excessive wear or damage that would increase aging.
  • Habits and food.

In summary, the first part is HABITS, FOOD, EXERCISE, and you can start with some specific supplements. It’s not about going out and buying everything they tell you indiscriminately without having an idea of your individual health situation.

The other part of this whole idea will happen in about 5 years, it is estimated, with a product that already exists but does not yet have permission to be used in humans. The compound would come in injection or pill form to make it easier for the consumer, and in a matter of days or weeks, it would reverse the biological clock by up to 80%. This will depend on the age you are at that moment, the state you are in, your own criteria and what a specialist advises you. Currently, in research laboratories on the subject, they are already experimenting with rats, aging and rejuvenating them very easily. I would like to comment here that a doctor, because he is a doctor, is not necessarily specialized in the subject.

This is not yet available for public distribution or application in humans, but we can still achieve 10 or 20 years of rejuvenation with the tools we have today. These tools, in any case, will be essential so that, when we manage to rejuvenate, we can be absolutely healthy and ensure that we continue to be that way. At least for me, it would make no sense to turn back the clock and then dedicate ourselves to going out every night, going to bed very late, drinking excessively, leading a totally libertine, crazy, not free life, and eating whatever comes to mind, even if we know that It damages and is super processed. To me, that doesn’t make any sense. If it is for someone, I am not the one to criticize or oppose anyone’s decisions. I consider and preach that training, learning and following the guidelines needed to rejuvenate, then staying healthy until we have access to the product that will be legitimized in due time, calculated today in about 5 years, is the most important thing, and that is specifically what I do. The method already consolidated as such is 4 years old.

You can contact me with any questions you have, and if it is within my power to answer them, I will be happy to do so.

The role of exercise.

Exercise is element number 1, but not just any exercise, but one that meets, on the one hand, the requirements to work on age regression and, on the other, that does not produce excessive wear or damage that would increase aging.

What should an exercise system or practice be like that proposes only positive results and that focuses on the development of BIOLOGICAL REJUVENATION?

  • May it not hurt
  • That teaches to do things well
  • That promotes longevity and not limits it
  • That it is focused on integration and not dissociation
  • That considers the range of motion, flexibility, strength, transversality.
  • The joints of the spine in their 3 possibilities
  • That promotes body awareness and constant relaxation of what is not in use
  • Teach optimal movements to avoid wasting energy
  • What a vitality
  • Use what is commonly called “cardio” in compliance with the specific protocols of a REJUVENATION program.

A COMPLETE PROGRAM must consider:

  1. Understand the fundamentals of aging according to current science.
  2. Learn to select the foods we consume, and begin to replace the previous ones. That’s learning about nutrition and diet. The criterion is the most up-to-date at this time, and modifications will only be possible as discoveries advance through scientific studies yet to happen. At the moment, the latest in the field is applied.
  3. Internalize and begin to carry out meal time protocols, according to the possibilities, needs, goals, and tastes of each person.
  4. Theoretical and practical learning of ancient methods of mental calm, those that were previously within schools and trends of spiritual human evolution, and that are now presented in a 100% scientific framework.
  5. Practice until you master that knowledge and have your mind as calm as possible and necessary.
  6. Learning and practicing stretching with anti-lock techniques that lead to more flexibility.
  7. Learn and practice basic physical routines that contain elements of flexibility, agility, mobilization, integrated laterality, unlocking with emphasis on the sacro-iliac joint, extension of muscle areas contracted by injuries or bad habits, and thorough and meaningful postural work.
  8. Relaxation exercises.

The result is seen from the second to third week. Those results are both mental and physical, too concrete to ignore. They include anti-inflammatory effects and a very notable improvement in the skin. In addition to improving sleep, reducing anxiety and improving mood.

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